Routing tests as specified in the relevant specification are carried out on all the drum length of cable leaving our Works. Type tests and acceptance tests as specified are also carried out on random samples as and when necessary.
Every lot of cable leaving "Caption" Works under goes the following test at the final stage of manufacturer.
Type Test
Test on Conductor
- Anneraling test (for copper)
- Tensile Test (Aluminium)
- Wrapping Test (for Aluminium)
- Conductor Resistance Test.
- Tensile Strength & Elongation at break.
- Ageing in Air oven.
- Shrinkage test
- Hot deformation test
- Loss of Mass in air oven
- Heat shock test
- Thermal Stability Test
- Oxygen Index Test : ASTM D 2863 - 77
- Temperature Index Test : ASTM D 2863 - 77
- Smoke Density Test : ASTM D 2843 - 77
- Halogen Acid gas generation Test : IEC - 754 - 1
- Flammability Test : IEC - 332
- Swedish Chimney Method : SS : 424 - 14 -75 Class - F3
- Annealing test (for copper)
- Tensile test (Aluminium)
- Wrapping test (for Aluminium)
- Conductor Resistance test
- Test for thickness of Insulation and Sheath
- Tessile Strength & Elongation at break of Insulation & Sheath.
- Insulation Resistance.
- High Voltage test at room temperatire.
- Conductor resistance test
- High Voltage test at room temperature